DOVA Collective

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Getting Noticed (in a good way)

We’re getting noticed lately. For all the right reasons, I should add.

For bringing people into the heart of the city. For releasing art from its lofty shackles, and bringing it down to earth from the stratosphere. For putting people in touch with local art, local artists, and themselves. And for sparking joy on a daily basis. All of which are worthy goals, we think. And all of which are pretty hard work at times.

So, just like when someone notices your sterling efforts on the sporting field, your great initiatives in the workplace, or your outstanding innovation for your latest DIY project, we love it when the good stuff we’re doing gets noticed!

Having opened our gorgeous CBD gallery space less than five months ago, we were thrilled to be approached by WA Business News to tell our story - a journey of trepidation from the boardrooms of the resources industry, and the gritty (literally!) roads of regional community services.

Chatting to young journalist Liv DeClerck was a delight, and despite the in-built camera-shyness, local photographer David Henry made us look professionally at ease among the paintings. What was especially heartening though, was that a well-respected business publication was interested and impressed enough to tell our story in the first place. It means we’re getting noticed, and we love it.

On the back of this fabulous article, we headed into our second exhibition in this space, featuring talented WA artists Lene Makwana and David Wroth alongside Creative Director Sherylle Dovaston. People flooded into our intimate gallery space for the opening, to celebrate the work of these fabulous artists and revel in the vibrant Friday night atmosphere. It was especially exciting to have 2023 Mayoral Candidate Sandy Anghie open the exhibition for us, and to have a number of prominent artists, collectors, advocates, and business people among the art lovers who joined us that night.

This little feature in the socials section of The West Australian makes it even sweeter! (Click on the image below to link to the article).