

Lingering reflects on our physical and metaphysical connection to the elements in our natural environment, including the earth, flora and fauna, air, and water.

We are inextricably bonded to the physical world, and our sensations and responses to it linger beyond specific experiences. We understand the sensation of rain, the feel of the earth under our feet, the smells carried on the air. These connections reach beyond any particular moment to reside in our memory and imagination as personal truths. The shadows of these experiences always linger within us; our connection to the naturalenvironment has both physical and emotional or meta-physical components.

After a long, hot, dry summer, the first measurable rain fell on 1st May. It signified our deep reliance and impact on the earth's natural cycles, and I gathered a small precious amount to include in this work.

I also included a deep red clay that was excavated from the site of my soon-to-be-built art studio. While we move the earth to suit our needs, I was drawn to the rich history contained in those soils.

In the final layers, the work also includes a stunning amber glaze made from the resin of native grasstrees.


Lingering, acrylic, clay wash, rainwater, grasstree resin on canvas, 40.5 x 51cm, ready to hang.

  • Size (h w): 40.5 x 51 cm

  • Medium: Acrylic, clay wash, rainwater, and grasstree resin on canvas

  • Subject Matter: Landscape, Abstract

  • Type: Painting

  • Price AU$490

Quite Some Distance Away
The Point I
Quite Some Time Ago
I Saw Something Extraordinary